About Us

Why Dynamic Chiropractic?

We take the time to listen to all of your concerns.

Dynamic Chiropractic is known as the go-to Moorestown Chiropractor and Mount Laurel Chiropractor. The doctors maintain a relationship with our patients and the surrounding community. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to stay healthy, or looking for something more than just covering up your pain, Dynamic Chiropractic is the place to be where you are always part of the family.

Dynamic Chiropractic utilizes research-driven treatment methods to ensure the highest level of care. By continuing to pursue the best treatment protocols, you can be sure that the holistic chiropractors at Dynamic Chiropractic always have your best interest at heart. We strive to make sure you thrive every day so you can Maximize Your Living Potential.

make your life more precious

Discover Your Path to Wellness with Dynamic Chiropractic

Schedule your appointment now and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

What to Expect on your First and Second Visit

For your initial visit with us, please bring with you your health insurance card as well as a military ID/Veterans card if you were in the service. Upon arriving you will be greeted by either Dr. Stephanie or Dr. Kaleb. If prior to the first visit you had not printed and completed your health history intake forms, you will be given those forms to complete prior to moving into one of the examination rooms. We will provide an insurance benefits checkup free of charge on your first visit so you know exactly what your insurance covers, please note, not all services but the majority we provide are covered by most insurance plans. You have the right to decline any services that may not be covered. Once your health history forms have been completed and reviewed by either Dr. Stephanie or Dr. Kaleb, you will be moved into one of the exam rooms.

In the exam room, the Doctor will go over your health history form with you and ask any other pertinent questions to your care. You will have a digital posture analysis as well as a thorough neurological, muscular, and skeletal exam. The exam and health history is where we gather a large portion of data that we use to determine a specific care plan to your body’s specific needs. Typically at this time, the Doctor you are with will determine if any radiological studies will be needed to ensure your safety during an adjustment. If you as the patient are comfortable with moving forward with care, the doctor will have you lay face down on the table and the doctor will examine your spine by feeling joint motion as well as muscle tension along the neck, upper and lower back as well as the hips. Once segments of the spine are determined to be misaligned, the doctor will then perform the adjustments to re-establish normal neurological and bio-mechanical patterns in that area. Once all adjustments are completed you will be asked to sit up and the doctor will then go over when you should return for a follow-up appointment. You will then be taken to the front desk to cover any payments for the services provided.

What to Expect on Your Second Visit

Your second visit will cover a report on your posture analysis, as well as all other findings from the first visit. You will be given a care plan specific to your bodies needs. Our goal is to get you to the point where your body is functioning better and on a wellness visit care plan.

Why Chiropractic?

People typically go to the chiropractor because their body is expressing symptoms.  These symptoms are warning signs that something is going on.  Instead of hiding the symptoms with medication, chiropractors get to the root cause of your symptoms.  We work specifically with the nervous system to ensure your brain to body messages flow without interference.  We do this by analyzing the spine and adjusting the misaligned vertebrae that can be impeding this communication from the brain to the body.  This allows the body to heal on its own to which can alleviate the symptoms you are expressing.

With the ever-growing opioid epidemic, chiropractic offers a safe, drug-free approach to healing and recovery. With the range of evidence-based treatment protocols and techniques provided at Dynamic Chiropractic, you are just one phone call away from beginning your journey to a healthier life.

Chiropractic is much more than just aches and pains. Did you know, that just like your car, your body needs routine maintenance work? By giving your body regular checkups with your local chiropractor, you can prevent those aches and pains from ever occurring in the first place. Most pain we feel is from an accumulation of small traumas throughout our life. Taking care of those issues as they occur prevents them from becoming a large issue later on down the road. Remember, we only get one spine, one body, and one life lets treat ourselves now to live a longer, healthier life.

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